Young People's Lives Study
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What is this study about?


The study aims to obtain an insight into young people's thoughts, ideas and future plans at Year 11. It is trying to find out how students formulate their future career plans and what influences these thoughts. This can only be done through talking to year 11 students and gaining a first hand account of issues that are important to them. The study will collect all the data throughout the 2003/04 academic year. All the student participants will be drawn from one secondary school within the South West of England.

The Study seeks information about students perceptions of themselves as individuals and their aspirations regarding their future role in society. It will only obtain information that students are happy talking about and will never force or push students towards areas that they may be unhappy to pursue.

Participants may withdraw from the study at any stage. They are all guaranteed complete confidentiality and their participation, and contribution will remain anonymous to external individuals including staff members from within their school.

Last updated 13/09/03 by Karl