Aims &

I believe I have managed to fulfill all my aims and objectives of this project. I had the task of understanding the engineering principles involved with pipe flow networks coupled with trying to design and produce a useful Java applet to use this engineering knowledge. This meant that I had to learn a computer programming language, which in itself was a sizable task. Looking at my final applet gives me such pleasure as to what I have achieved and the experience of a programming language never previously having the opportunity to study.

The language of Java has proved to be challenging, for a previous novice like myself, but very successful and worthwhile. During programming I did perhaps spent far too many hours trying to compile my Java code without success when in fact careless programming caused the errors. With the benefit of hindsight and experience in programming I can appreciate how much time can be saved from carefully assembling code from the outset. Errors as minor as a capital letter in an incorrect place and a missing bracket in methods were my main faults but lead to huge complications and numerous compilation errors.

I could have introduced more functions and options into the program but due to time limitations I opted to produce an applet that had been tested properly so that I knew it would produce reliable and correct results. I felt that this was of more importance than adding extras features and not testing my program.

The Hardy Cross method has proved to be an excellent logically structure technique that is able to produce results accurately and although my program cannot possibly account for all the head losses that occur from pipe junctions, valves etc it does provide the basis of true flow results dependent on pipe geometries and characteristics.