IV.1 Sources of error in CFD

Numerical solutions of fluid flow problems are only approximate. There are many sources of error which need to be considered, which fall into 3 basic categories :

The NSE provide a good representation of basic fluid flow, so modelling errors do not often arise for simple Newtonian laminar flow. More complex problems such as combustion are often not well understood, and the models used usually have limitations which need to be understood if the results are to be meaningful.

IV.1.1 Stability

A CFD method is stable if it does not magnify numerical errors. For an explicit CFD scheme to be stable, the Courant number

NC  = u ---< 1
If this is not achieved then numerical errors (unavoidable in the scheme) will increase until they destroy the solution. Implicit solution methods are more stable and able to tolerate NC > 1, but large values of NC are best avoided.

IV.1.2 Consistency

An important question regarding the solution of the NSE (and any other modelled equations we might be interested in) is how closely our discretised solution will approach the true solution of the original equations. If the original equations can be recovered mathematically from the discretised equations by reducing the mesh spacing (dx --> 0), then the discretised equations are said to be consistent. If the scheme is consistent and stable, then the numerical solution should converge to the true solution as dx --> 0. CFD calculations should, if possible, be run on sucessively finer meshes until the solution does not change, a condition known as mesh independence.

IV.1.3 Conservation & boundedness

The NSE express the conservation of mass and momentum (and energy), fundamental physical principles which we would want our numerical method to match. In addition, physically meaningful quantities are often bounded. For instance, negative energies make no physical sense, and neither does a phase fraction a < 1. Mathematical models of the flow may not be able to fully model complex flows, but they should produce physically realistic results - they should be realisable. Their numerical implementation as a set of difference equations, and their solution, should also satisfy these requirements.