Date: 12 December 2014
Time: 14:00 to 18:00
Venue: Geoffrey Pope Building 328a
All are welcome to attend the next Exeter Imaging Network workshop. The subject of the meeting will be “Imaging the Cytoskeleton” and focuses on phytopathogens and medical science.
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14:00 The Phytophtora infestans actin cytoskeleton: its functions in hyphal growth and plant cell infection
Tijs Ketelaar (University of Wageningen)
14:45 Making the message stick – mRNA localisation and cell migration
Giles Corey (University of Exeter)
15:05 The influence of fatty acids on actin and filopodia in neurons
John Chilton (University of Exeter)
15:25 Break
15:45 TBA
Gero Steinberg (University of Exeter)
16:30 Mechanisms of microtubule nucleation and destruction studied in vitro
Thomas Surrey (Cancer Research UK, London Research Institute)