Advanced image Analysis: a training workshop for GW4 researchers

Advanced image Analysis: a training workshop for GW4 researchers

Advanced image Analysis: a training workshop for GW4 researchers

Date: 14th-16th January 2015 

Venue: University of Bath


Who should attend?

Anyone doing or interested in doing image analysis tools in their research is welcome, from  PhD students to PIs. No previous experience in image analysis is required but it would be useful for attendees to fill out the questionnaire in the link below to help us shape the workshop to the specific needs of the attending researchers.

What is the workshop about?

The event is aimed at disseminating quantitative image analysis techniques to GW4 members.

Workshop information:

Image analysis theory will be covered in the morning sessions and practicals on how to use specific image analysis tools will take place in the afternoons. The image analysis theory will also address experimental design that has to be taken into account when a researcher wants to do image analysis. Image analysis tools covered will include open-source tools (e.g. ImageJ and FARSight) along with with custom-made tools. If the attendees have some background on image analysis, we may also cover how to analyse the data obtained from images.


As external contributor we will have Dr Sabine Fischer, an expert in image analysis and mathematical modelling of biological processes.


The final schedule and programme will be decided once we collect the responses from the questionnaire


If you want to attend, please apply following this link:

There are funds available, thanks to the GW4 Initiator funds, ( to cover travel expenses, accommodation along with lunch and refreshments for GW4 researchers.

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