
  • Global Insight 15 – 3rd Oct 2017

    October 3, 2017

    Global Insight 15 – 3rd Oct 2017

    Australia Energy market transformation The Australian National Energy Market (NEM) has been swift in its implementation of some of the Finkel Review recommendations.  The new Energy Security Board has been established to oversee the whole system transformation.  The Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) has also recently announced its own Expert Advisory Panel (EAP) to advise on key initiatives from the review.  This panel consists of leaders from the energy industry and is chaired by Ms Chloe Munro who was a former chair of the Clean Energy Regulator and a panel member for the Finkel review

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  • Submission: Comments on the Open Letter on the RIIO-2 Framework

    September 29, 2017

    Submission: Comments on the Open Letter on the RIIO-2 Framework

    Comments on the Open Letter on the RIIO-2 Framework Submission from Helen Poulter, Catherine Mitchell and Richard Hoggett, Energy Policy Group, University of Exeter 1. Introduction The Energy Policy Group (EPG) of the University of Exeter welcomes the chance to review the Open Letter on the RIIO-2 Framework. The Open Letter (OL) is part of a group of related documents published on 4 August 2017: the Ofgem Strategy for Regulating the Future Energy System; a joint BEIS / Ofgem plan for a smart, flexible power system with the Government (which resulted from the January

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  • Presentation: IGov Fit-for-Purpose GB Energy Governance Framework

    September 22, 2017

    Presentation: IGov Fit-for-Purpose GB Energy Governance Framework

    The ideas behind the IGov ‘straw’ Fit-for-Purpose GB Energy Governance Framework From: Catherine Mitchell Presentation to: Committee on Climate Change, 19th September, London Overview – Why is it important to reform the GB’s energy governance framework? Energy is the main source of CO2 Multiple technologies – either new or with falling prices – could enable cheaper, more energy efficient system operation– but value (ie ability to access payment) remains mainly with old ‘dirty’ system Mitigation technology pathway has huge distributional impacts for society – a political not a technological / economic issue Energy is a whole system

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  • New Thinking: Energy economics up in air

    September 12, 2017

    New Thinking: Energy economics up in air

    Failure to Forecast the Falling Costs of Offshore Wind and Rising Costs of Nuclear Need to be Investigated in Helm Review Antony Froggatt, IGov Team, 12th September 2017 There can be no doubt that the Government’s announcement of the results of the 2nd round of auctions for allocating financial support scheme for renewables is a major boost for offshore-wind.  The Contracts for Difference (CfD), which is the fixed price that the developer will get paid regardless of the market price of electricity, for offshore wind was agreed at between £57.40-74.75/MWh,  which is a remarkable 50% below the

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  • Submission: Ofgem Electricity Settlement Reform SCR launch statement

    September 9, 2017

    Submission: Ofgem Electricity Settlement Reform SCR launch statement

    Submission by the Energy Policy Group (EPG) of the University of Exeter to Ofgem Electricity Settlement Reform SCR launch statement. Catherine Mitchell Sept 2017   To Whom it may Concern, I have just realised that I have missed the 1 September 2017 deadline to provide feedback on the electricity settlement reform (ESR) SCR options. If it is at all possible I would like my below feedback to be included in your assessment. I agree there is a need for electricity settlement reform. I support Option 3 – that Ofgem leads an end to end

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  • New Thinking: What’s going on?

    September 7, 2017

    New Thinking: What’s going on?

    What’s going on? Matthew Lockwood, IGov Team, 7 September 2017 In July this year, at the IGov2 Advisory Group meeting, a widely made point was that there are multiple initiatives to do with the emerging future energy system in Britain at the moment. The landscape is very busy, crowded and potentially confusing. As part of trying to better define for ourselves where IGov2 fits in, we said we would try to provide an outline mapping of what is going on. Once we started we realised that this is of course trickier than it sounds – it’s

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  • New Thinking: Summer Madness – trying to keep up with BEIS / Ofgem consultations and documents

    August 25, 2017

    New Thinking: Summer Madness – trying to keep up with BEIS / Ofgem consultations and documents

    Summer Madness – trying to keep up with BEIS / Ofgem consultations and documents Catherine Mitchell, IGov Team, 25th August 2017 Ofgem’s Open Letter about RIIO-2 was published on 12 July, and any comments on it are due on 4 September 2017. On 4 August, Ofgem (or Ofgem and BEIS) released a set of ‘related’ documents – all of them in their way relevant to the RIIO-2 consultation. These were the Ofgem Strategy for Regulating the Future Energy System; the joint BEIS / Ofgem Plan for a smart, flexible power system with the Government (which resulted

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  • Presentation: Advisory Group Insights

    August 7, 2017

    Presentation: Advisory Group Insights

    Advisory Group Insights Prior to the meeting the IGov Advisory Group were asked to answer the following question: From your perspective what do you think is the most important thing/s happening in energy systems within GB/Globally in terms of practice change or ideas? Their views were presented during two insight sessions at the Advisory Group meeting – the slides can be downloaded here: Insight Session 1 & 2 for web  

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  • New Thinking: Open Banking – Open Energy

    August 2, 2017

    New Thinking: Open Banking – Open Energy

    Open Banking: Open Energy – a way forward for opening up energy data and innovation? Catherine Mitchell, IGov Team, 2nd August 2017 This past week has seen the welcome release of the BEIS / Ofgem Upgrading Our Energy System – Smart Systems and Flexibility Plan. Moving to a vibrant, flexible, efficient energy system will require a far deeper, more granular knowledge about GB energy flows. Conventional energy companies – some of which currently have access to data, for example, network companies and suppliers – are trying to work out how they can use ‘their’ data to

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  • Viewpoint: Bad news, buried: Capacity Market de-rating factors for storage

    July 26, 2017

    Viewpoint: Bad news, buried: Capacity Market de-rating factors for storage

    Bad news, buried: Capacity Market de-rating factors for storage Felicity Jones,  Everoze Partners Ltd  &  IGov Advisory Group, 26th July 2017 Whilst everyone was celebrating £246m investment in batteries, BEIS smuggled in a consultation proposing cuts to storage de-rating factors in the UK Capacity Market. Here’s what you need to know. Wasn’t Monday morning fantastic for us battery enthusiasts? Greg Clark promised to establish the UK as a world leader in batteries through launching the £246m Faraday Challenge. And – finally – after 9 long months of silence, BEIS released its action plan to remove barriers to system flexibility

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