Please note: Copies of the final report are freely available for those projects where the 'total cost' is provided. To receive a copy, please contact us giving details of the project or projects in which you are interested and your full postal address. PRIORITY AREA A: Ways of effecting, maintaining and evaluating behavioural changes leading to a reduction in smoking at all ages, particularly children The
Tobacco Addiction Collaborative Review Group of the Cochrane Collaboration
(Project ref: NCP/ICV/055/A) PRIORITY AREA B: The organisation and evaluation of services, including medical, psychosocial, counselling and other services, to meet the needs of those found to be at high risk of cancer due to a genetic susceptibility Investigation
of the prevalence of germline mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 in women with
breast cancer diagnosed before thirty years of age or with a strong family
history (Project ref: NCP/B11/34) A
population based study of familial breast cancer in East Anglia (Project
ref: NCP/B15) Evaluating
services for women with familial risk of breast cancer; consumer push or
practitioner pull in primary care consultations? (Project ref:
NCP/B22c) Public
understanding of cancer genetics - assessing knowledge and attitudes to
inform policy for testing (Project ref: NCP/B32) A
descriptive study of cancer genetics services (Project ref: NCP/B42) PRIORITY AREA C: Factors influencing delayed presentation by patients (e.g. psychosocial) and variations in onward referrals by physicians to oncology specialists Breast
cancer in British native and South Asian women: presentation, referral and
survival (Project ref: NCP/C03) Systematic
review of patient-mediated delay in presentation of cancer and
provider-mediated delay and variation in onward referral for treatment
(Project ref: NCP/ICV/012/C) PRIORITY AREA D: Factors influencing the accrual of patients into cancer trials (including why clinicians are reluctant to enter patients into national multicentre trials) Factors
influencing the accrual of patients into clinical trials: An examination
of the BASO II trial for the treatment of well-differentiated small, node
negative carcinomas of the breast (Project ref: NCP/D01) Using
a consumers' advisory group to increase accrual into trials (Project ref:
Register of UK Cancer Trials (Project ref: NCP/D20) Improving
communication during recruitment to clinical trials of cancer therapy
(Project ref: NCP/D21) Systematic
review of factors influencing the accrual of patients into cancer trials
(including why clinicians are reluctant to participate in national
multicentre trials) (Project ref: NCP/ICV/022/D) PRIORITY AREA E: Studies designed to explain variations in disease outcomes, particularly in relation to variations in patterns of practice Variation
in survival in cancers of the stomach, pancreas and oesophagus (Project
ref: NCP/E01) Population
based study of patterns of care and survival for bone sarcoma (Project ref: NCP/E16) Cancer
treatment policies, delay in referral and their effect on survival
(Project ref: NCP/E32) Review
of studies designed to explain variation in disease outcome, particularly
in relation to variations in patterns of practice (Project ref: NCP/ICV/045/E) PRIORITY AREA F: Comparison of care for common cancers (e.g. lung, breast, colorectal) in specialist and non-specialist treatment settings with respect to psychosocial and clinical outcomes; and the relative costs of managing each step of disease progression Management
of lung cancer: A comparison of management strategies, outcomes and
resource utilisation in specialist and non-specialist centres (Project
ref: NCP/F02) A
randomised controlled trial comparing the effectiveness of rapid diagnosis
clinics and best alternative care (Project ref: NCP/F03) Systematic
review of the evidence relating process of care to outcome and cost in
specialist and non-specialist hospital settings (Project ref: NCP/ICV/028/F) PRIORITY AREA G: The clinical utility of second-line chemotherapy in advanced common cancers, particularly its comparison to best supportive care Appropriate
management for patients with advanced breast cancer (Project ref: NCP/G01) Chemotherapy
for patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC): estimating the costs
of extended use of chemotherapy for this group of patients (Project ref:
NCP/G04) The
patient's perspective of the clinical utility of second-line chemotherapy
(Project ref: NCP/G12) PRIORITY AREA I: Optimal management strategies for unrelieved symptoms, including pain and non-pain, in cancer patients Bibliography
and systematic reviews in cancer pain management (Project ref: NCP/ICV/I03) Hormone
replacement therapy in advanced breast cancer (Project ref: NCP/I14) Systematic
review of the management of constipation in cancer patients (Project ref:
NCP2/I210) Systematic
review of the management of intestinal obstruction due to advanced
gynaecological and gastrointestinal cancer (Project ref: NCP2/I211) PRIORITY AREA J: The most appropriate and cost effective model of service delivery and level of provision of palliative care services, including the role of Nurse Practitioners Impact
of an hospital-based palliative care service in the community (Project
ref: NCP/J01) Appropriate
and cost effective models of service delivery (Project ref: NCP/ICV/016/J) Development
and evaluation of Nurse Practitioner follow-up in the management of
patients with lung cancer (Project ref: NCP/J17/18) PRIORITY AREA K: The early natural history of cancers that may particularly lend themselves to screening to reduce mortality (e.g. prostate, oral and skin cancers) A
systematic review of the early natural history of prostate, skin and oral
cancers (Project ref: NCP/ICV/042/K) PRIORITY AREA Q: The most cost-effective way to provide information to meet the needs of cancer patients, their families, health care professionals and the public Evaluation
of video-taped information in cancer genetic counselling (Project ref: NCP/Q24) Systematic
reviews of the effectiveness of different ways of meeting the information
needs of people with cancer (Project ref: NCP2/Q232) PRIORITY AREA R: The psychosocial consequences for patients who have increased participation in clinical decision making A
randomised controlled trial of cytological surveillance versus patient
choice between surveillance and colposcopy in managing mildly abnormal
cervical smears (Project ref: NCP2/R207) PRIORITY AREA U: The roles of adjuvant, neo-adjuvant and combined modality treatments for primary common cancers Post-operative
radiotherapy in non-small cell lung cancer: A Systematic Review and
meta-analysis of individual patient data from nine randomised trials
(Project ref: NCP/U03) A
very large scale trial of chemotherapy for all stages of non-small cell
lung cancer (NSCLC) (Project ref: NCP/U05) Cytological
assessment of prognosis and response to neoadjuvant and adjuvant
chemotherapy in breast cancer (Project ref: NCP/U15) Biochemical
markers of response to adjuvant tamoxifen therapy in breast cancer
(Project ref: NCP/U16) PRIORITY AREA V: Cancer treatment of the elderly including clinical outcomes and cost effectiveness A
study of treatment decisions in elderly patients with colorectal cancer
and their consequences on multi-dimensional aspects of patient functioning
(Project ref: NCP/V19) Systematic reviews of:
a) surgery for colorectal cancer in elderly patients; and b) palliative
chemotherapy for advanced or metastatic colorectal cancer (Project ref:
NCP2/V207) PRIORITY AREA W: The value of integrating quality of life data and data on costs in the measurements of outcome in prevention, treatment and care of cancer patients and their carers Measurement
of quality of life in advanced ovarian cancer - can we keep it simple?
(Project ref: NCP/W07) Automated
screening and recording of quality of life data (Project ref: NCP/W13) Determining
sample sizes for cancer trials involving quality of life instruments
(Project ref: NCP/W16) PRIORITY AREA X: Comparison of the cost effectiveness of different psychosocial interventions including complementary therapies and voluntary groups for patients and their families A
feasibility study to assess the efficacy of bilingual health advocacy in
ethnic minority cancer patients (Project ref: NCP2/X215) A
brief multifaceted nurse-delivered intervention for comorbid major
depressive disorder in outpatients with advanced and recurrent cancer: a
pilot evaluation (Project ref: NCP2/X216) A randomised controlled study of
the effects of reflexology on quality of life (including mood, adjustment,
function, coping and
patient satisfaction) in patients with early breast cancer (Project ref: NCP2/X229) PRIORITY AREA Y: What prevents terminally ill people from dying at home, if they so wish, and how can general practitioners and their teams access information to help them care more effectively for their patients at home? Which
cancer patients die at home?: the effects of social deprivation and patient
characteristics in England (Project ref: NCP/Y04) Meeting
the needs of cancer patients who wish to remain at home until they die: A
systematic review of preferences, problems and cost-effective solutions
(Project ref: NCP/ICV/014/Y) Please note: Copies of the final report are freely available for those projects where the 'total cost' is provided. To receive a copy, please contact us giving details of the project or projects in which you are interested and your full postal address.
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