The HELP Clinic

Health Exercise and Lifestyle Planning

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A Move 2 Improve







The Monday Session

Time: 4.30pm-5.30pm

Location: Dance Studio (St Lukes Campus)

The funds made available from the community link fund have allowed purchase of a finite range of exercise equipment.  The session aims to improve activities of daily living by replicating challenges that may be faced in daily living. The main areas of development should be motor tasks (gross and fine) and co-ordination and strength. All patients are given a student helper for the academic year, the aim is to establish a routine and to allow the student to develop a personalized training program. Each student is given a ‘patient pack’ used for screening and current rehabilitation progress, scales that should be used and essential papers for the training (other forms of training include emailed articles and initial weeks of demonstration from program leader).




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Copyright © 2002 Health, Exercise and Lifestyle Planning 
Last modified: February 10, 2004