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The Observatory Grounds

The grounds are open to the public as an amenity each day from dawn to dusk.


 The picnic site and field is adjacent to the main car park 

The picnic area is popular with visiting primary schools, both as a suitable place for lunch before going on to another location or for, a ball game or other exercise before returning to school. The Society is responsible for mowing, care of the picnic furniture and removal of litter.

The area between the domes

The public walk here at night and safety is a major consideration. Paths are provided and the grass alongside is kept short. Low level illumination was installed by the Society in 1996.

The heathland

Conservation of the heathland is essential to ensure a clean atmosphere free of rising air currents for astronomy. A working observatory is the best guarantee that the areas will remain free of building development.

Centre for Coastal, Woodland and Scenic Walks

The observatory is situated in an area designated as of ‘outstanding natural beauty’ and is at the centre of a number of woodland, coastal and countryside walks. Development of the outdoor potential of the grounds is planned and will be funded separately.

Aerial Photograph of the NLO Site



Copyright Norman Lockyer Observatory  © January 2008

Except when stated "for and on behalf of The Norman Lockyer Observatory", the facts, views and opinions expressed in these pages are those of the contributors. The Editor includes them in good faith and there is no intention to infringe any copyrights. Copyright remains the property of each contributor.