Founded in 2006, the initiative - intersect - engages in two main strands of activity: firstly, in the organisation of an experimental seminar series dedicated to the presentation and discussion of philosophical themes across the disciplines, and secondly, in the co-ordination of an online communication system, serving to inform all those who join the
- intersect - network of philosophically relevant events taking place across campus.
I - intersect - seminars
- intersect - hosts 2 events per semester. Each event consists of a lecture from a guest speaker, responses by an interdisciplinary panel of Exeter faculty members (representing departments such as Politics, Modern Languages, Film Studies, Drama, Theology, Business Studies, and Sociology and Philosophy), a period of open discussion followed by an evening reception. In doing so we hope to cultivate an atmosphere of familiarity and free exchange amongst philosophically interested scholars at Exeter. Interested departments are encouraged to consider sponsoring an - intersect - event.*
II - intersect - network
There is a great deal of philosophically oriented research being undertaken at the University of Exeter, and many departments host seminars, reading groups and conferences that would be of interest to those whose research engages with philosophy and philosophical themes. The - intersect - network will provide those who choose to join, an interactive communications link with information on all philosophically related events at the University of Exeter.
To join the network, please email Laura Cull at lkc202@ex.ac.uk with the following details: your name, your School/department, the email address you would like to be added to the network. Once you are on the list you will be able to post and receive messages regarding philosophy events on campus.
The -intersect- initiative was conceived to remedy a perceived absence of opportunity for philosophically interested scholars at Exeter to interact. We do hope you will join the network and participate in its events.
Events in 2006 / 07
The -intersect- initative hosted or co-hosted 4 events last academic year. For anyone who was unable to attend, please follow the links to the speakers' abstracts for more information.