Tuesday, December 16, 2003




Welcome to Europeer UK

Europeer is a pan-European, youth Peer Education Project to promote sexual and relational health. It is a network organisation, which has the perceptions and expressed needs of young people as its motivating force. Professionals and young people are working collaboratively to establish a virtual, web-based organisation, which gives young people representation at all levels.
Its history and current areas of expertise are concerned with sexuality, sexual and reproductive health and relationships education and Europeer is keen to maintain identification with those areas. This does not, however, preclude the possibility of extending into other areas of youth participation and public health.

Europeer UK wants to help:

  • Support the development and maintenance involved of peer education approaches to sexual health in the UK.
  • Draw upon the vast wealth of experience that is ‘out there’.
  • Develop a dynamic resource upon which all members can draw to ensure the opportunities for young people to enjoy the benefits of peer education are maximised.

So many people developing peer-led approaches in young peoples health report ‘working in the dark,’ ‘ploughing a lone furrow’ and ‘I wasn’t sure if I was reinventing the wheel, banging my head against the wall or just inventing new clichés!’. All of us, to some extent, have felt like this. We hope that this new network will avoid people having to reinvent the wheel, help them shine a little light, if only to see how other people have ploughed their furrow… even if we can’t stop it hurting when you’re banging your head on the wall!