Collaboration and Networking:

Islamic papyrology and linguistics (consultant): * Professor Geoffrey Khan – palaeography (University of Cambridge, Faculty of Oriental Studies).

Archaeological Mission: *Mr Magdy El Ghandour (Supreme Council of Antiquities for the study of the paper fragments and coins).

Coinage (consultant & cataloguer): *Dr Cecile Bresc (former curator at the British Museum). Research completed and catalogue submitted for publication.

Archaeology (Southampton archaeological team): Professor David Peacock, Director of the Quseir al-Qadim archaeological excavation (1999-2003); Dr Lucy Blue, Co-director and Mr Julian Whitewright – maritime; Dr Greme Earl – database (artefacts) expert; * Mrs Sheila Hamilton Dyer – archaeozoologist; *Mrs Sue Richardson – basketry and cordage: *Miss Sarah Comelli – glass; Miss Rebecca Bridgman – ceramic; Jillian Phillips – leather; *Dr Marijke van der Veen – paleobotanist (University of Leicester); * Dr Fiona Handley – textiles expert (University of London). Interaction with the archaeological team as was expected and contacts were sustained till the end of the project; additional investigation is in progress.

Osteoarchaeology (on Islamic Burials); *Dr Anne Macklin – (University of Southampton & University of Leeds).

Maritime ethnography (on matters of ship-building and harbour management): *Dr Thomas Vosmer – boat architect (Ministry of Heritage, Oman).

Islamic History Consultants (mainly Mamluk dynasty 13th – 14th c and trade in the Red Sea): * Professor Jean-Claude Garcin (Aix-en-Provence – retired); *Professor Mouton (Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes – IVe Section, Paris).

Computing 1 (database & image enhancing): Professor Roger Boyle; Dr A. J. Bulpitt (School of Computing, University of Leeds); Mr Steve Aylmer; Mr Paul G. Micklethwaite – visual and textual experts (Information Systems Services)

Computing 2 database and online (consultancy): Mr Rowan Wilson (Oxford Text Archives), Mr Keith Westcott and Catherine Hordine (Archaeology Data Service – University of York)