RQAD Events

Keynote Presentations:

  1. D. A. Agius, “Excavations at Quseir al-Qadim: The Arabic documents”. 13 December 2002. Katholieke Universiteit, Leuven, Belgium.
  2. D. A. Agius, “Launch of AHRB-RQAD”. 5 February 2003, University of Leeds.
  3. D. A. Agius, “Harbour and caravan terminus: Historical and textual documentation of Quseir al-Qadim”. 15 February 2004, Archaeological Society of Alexandria, Egypt.
  4. A. Regourd, “Recent discoveries in Quseir al-Qadim: A port on the Red Sea Coast”. 18 December 2004. Luxor Museum, Egypt.
  5. A. Regourd & D. Peacock. “Fouilles à Quseir al-Qadim (l’Egypte, mer rouge): le port de Quseir et le commerce vers l’est aux époques ayyoubide et mamelouke”, 4 April 2005, Musée du Louvre, Paris.
  6. A. Regourd as plenary speaker “The Quseiri documents” at the International Society for Arabic Papyrology held at Alexandria (March 2006)
  7. D. A. Agius, “Quseir al-Qadim: The Islamic harbour based on Arabic documents”. 30 April 2004, Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies, University of Exeter.

Conferences and Seminars:

  1. D. A. Agius (organizer) Interdisciplinary Study Day “The Islamic Harbour – 1”, 27 May 2004, University of Leeds (11 participants).
  2. D. A. Agius (with Francine Stone) Seminar “The Islamic Harbour – 2 “, 29 October 2004, British Museum (19 participants).
  3. D. A. Agius, Workshop on the Arabic paper fragments, 15 April 2005, University of Leeds (6 participants).
  4. D. A. Agius (with Anne Macklin) Interdisciplinary Study Day “Islamic Burials”, 18 May 2005, University of Leeds (12 participants).
  5. A. Regourd, “Fragments ayyubides et mamlukes de Quseir al-Qadim, port égyptien sur la mer rouge (fouilles 1999-2003”. 7 February 2004, Université de Lyon 2.
  6. A. Regourd, “Décrire et déchiffrer un document manuscript: Mthodologie. L’example des papiers manuscripts de Quseir al-Qadim”. 12 February 2004, Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes – Universitié de Paris IV.
  7. D. A. Agius, “The mapping of Quseir al-Qadim and ship-types in the Red Sea (Quseiri Arabic documents and historical documentation)”. 27 May 2004, University of Leeds.
  8. A. Regourd, “An update on the Quseiri paper fragments and trade in the Red Sea during the Ayyubid and Mamluk periods”. 27 May 2004, University of Leeds.
  9. A. Regourd, “Between Orient and Occident – Trade through the port of Quseir al-Qadim (Ayyubid and Mamluk Egypt) according to the documents found during the 1999-2003 excavations”. 12 May 2004, University of Cambridge.
  10. A. Regourd, “Documents écrits et sources pour l’histoire du monde musulman medieval” 28 May 2005. Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes IVe section Paris.
  11. D.A. Agius, “What can primary sources tell us about Classis Ships?”, 21 March 2006, University of St Andrews.