Technology > Assessment and Feedback

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One of the core aims of the Integrate project was 'how to manage assessment and feedback with large numbers'. Throughout the project a range of different technologies were used to address this challenge.

Although in some modules we supported the development of formative assessment and feedback via the VLE, our main input and support was around summative assessment, as this was where the most difficulties became apparent. Much of this was in the context of the very rapid growth of taught PG Masters level students during the 2 years of the project.

At undergraduate level, flip cameras and online learning journals were used to engage students with the process of learning, and whilst this work was not formally graded, the results were submitted as part of the assessment process. We also trialled the use of the VLE for examinations, and wikis and the optical scanner were used for managing assessment processes on a very large scale.

A very important outcome has been a discussion paper on Online Exams which highlights practical guidelines and pitfalls in this context. This is now being used a foundation for decision-making by central services as well as Colleges on the management of electronic examinations.

New technologies for Assessment


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Talking Head Video

Karen Leslie talks about Assessment as part of the Integrate Project

"I couldn't believe it! It took me 45 minutes to mark all these papers with the scanner. Usually it would take me about four days!"

Lecturer, University of Exeter Business School