Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers) 

Conference 2003

 'Geography: serving environment and society'

Royal Geographical Society, London, 3-5th September 2003
Planning and Environment Research Group 
with the Rural Geography Research Group

'Sustainable development and the governing of rural and urban areas'

Sessions on the 3rd and 4th September

Module timings: AM (09:00 – 11:15) PM (16:00 – 18:15)


Module 1: Wednesday AM 

Sustainability and the planning process


Chair: Susan Percy, South Bank University


Nick Gallent, Richard Oades, Christine Tudor.

Visioning multi-functional urban fringe environments

Steven Henderson and Keith Hoggart.

Sustainability principle implications for commuter belt residents in the countryside. The case of the Norwich City region.

Donald Houston.

The provision of affordable housing in rural England.

Ruth Stevenson.

Institutional challenges of sustainable development: an exploration of renewable energy policy development in Wales.

Karen Lucas and Sara Fuller.

What’s in a name? Local Agenda 21, community planning and neighbourhood renewal.


Module 2: Wednesday PM 

Community responses and participation


Chair: Kate Theobald, Northumbria University


Bernadette O’Regan, Pauline Ryan and Richard Moles.

Analysis of materials flow through an Irish community: innovative material flow management concepts to aid sustainability at community level.

Gill Seyfang.

Organics, FairTrade and Frankenstein foods: sustainable consumption from the board room to the breakfast table.

Christine Dunford.

The power of flowers: discourses and practices of ‘greening’ in a changing Chicago neighbourhood.

Carmen Retter.

Cognitive mapping strategies as a way to explore farmers social environments

Stewart Barr and Andrew Gilg.

Sustainable lifestyles: perspectives on environmental action.


Module 3: Thursday AM 

Multi-level and strategic policy approaches 1


Chair: Andrew Gilg, University of Exeter


Carolyn Harrison and Richard Munton.

Towards a sustainable city: policy processes, public participation and the GLA.

Alister Scott and Mark Whitehead.

(Dis)Integrating urban and rural policy: the case of sustainable development in post-devolution Wales.

Amanda Smith.

‘Sustainability? Is that the buzz word at the moment?’ Changing discourses of sustainability within the governance of East Durham,

Yvonne Rydin, Eva Falleth, Hans Olaf Brata and Inge-Sagile.

Sustainable development and natural resource management: the role of social capital promoting trans-territorial spatial planning.

Alan Patterson and Anna Batchelor.

Political modernisation and environmental modernisation: state restructuring as an impediment to local sustainable development.


Module 4: Thursday PM 

Multi-level and strategic policy approaches 2


Chair: Stewart Barr, University of Exeter


Susan Percy, Bob Evans and Kate Theobald.

Mainstreaming sustainable development into local government policy making.

David Gibbs, Andrew Jonas and Aidan White.

Up, down and across scales? Multi-scalar governance and environmental policy.

Alina Congreve.

Governance issues reflected in the local media.

Susanne Seymour.

Community environmental governance? ‘Sustainable water protection in South East Queensland, Australia.

Harriet Bulkeley.

Climate change, urban planning and multi-level governance.


The convenors of the session are:

Dr. Stewart Barr

Mr. Andrew Gilg

Ms. Susan Percy

Dr. Susanne Seymour

Dr. Kate Theobald


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