DSWP Network





The effects of parameters on the maximum prediction time possible in short term forecasting of the sea surface shape

D.R.Edgar, J.M.K.Horwood, R.Thurley and M.R.Belmont.

It has recently been recognised that it is realistic to make predictions of the detailed of the sea surface shape typically up to 30 seconds ahead. This offers the prospect of substantially increasing the operating envelope in a wide range of marine operations. This article examines, from the point of view of a potential user of this technology, how the various parameters involved in such so called Deterministic Sea Wave Prediction System affect the prediction time and also how prediction time can be traded for precision.  

1. Introduction

Statistical forecasting of the sea-state is of vital importance in marine operations of all kinds. This type of forecasting may be used as an indicator of conditions in which it may be impossible to undertake certain types of marine operations. Sea state critical operations include transfer of materials and personnel between ships and offshore installations, helicopter operations from ships and underwater and surface operations managed from ships.

The recent recognition[i],[ii],[iii],[iv],[v] that it is possible to predict the actual instantaneous shape of the sea surface, rather than merely its statistics[vi],[vii], promises to change this situation, offering the prospect of exploiting the calm periods of a few tens of seconds that exist in some heavy sea conditions. This could give the opportunity of safely undertaking operations in sea conditions that would have been previously considered to render the operation hazardous.

For a large swell sea it is realistic to expect prediction of the actual shape of the sea surface up to 30 seconds into the future with surface level prediction errors as low as + 10% of the mean significant wave height2,3. The process of predicting actual sea surface shape is termed Deterministic Sea-Wave Prediction, (DSWP). There are a variety of ways of implementing DSWP, although all of these essentially involve measuring the sea surface in some manner at a set of locations or over a region remote from the site (typically 500 m to 1000 m) where prediction is required. The method of DSWP under discussion here is termed the fixed point method where measurements are made by sea surface sensors at fixed locations distance Xpm from the prediction site.

In previous work1,2,3, the basic principles of DSWP were introduced. The present article explores the effect of the main parameters affecting DSWP which are likely to be of importance to potential users of this technique.

A very brief background of the fixed point method of DSWP theory will be presented followed by a study concerned with identifying optimum values for the main system variables for a given site, required accuracy and prediction time.

2. Fixed point method of dswp

For clarity of explanation, the following discussion is restricted to wave systems arriving at the prediction site from a single direction. The system can be extended to multidirectional seas by a process of superposition of unidirectional wave systems. Furthermore, the wave system is assumed to be linear with second order effects being neglected[viii].

A wave system contains a range of frequency components, although it is important to note that the magnitude, phase and frequency of these components vary with time. The dispersive nature of the sea causes each of these components to travel at a different velocity. (Long wavelengths travel at higher velocity than short wavelengths.) In order to perform DSWP it is necessary to measure the sea surface at a remote site, identify the magnitude and phase of the frequency components present at the time of the measurement, compute the time required for each component to propagate to the prediction site and reconstruct the predicted wave shape at the prediction site from this computed data. In practice, the most of the energy associated with a wave system will be in a clearly identifiable frequency band. In any practical application, it is therefore only necessary to consider wave frequencies over a finite interval fl to fh. Consequently, it is possible to identify the highest and lowest wave propagation velocities for a given depth of water.

To identify the frequency components present at any given time it is necessary to perform some type of Fourier Transform which requires the recording of data over a finite time window. The length of this time window affects the prediction time possible from this set of data. In practice it is sensible to record overlapping sets of data so that effectively continuous prediction may be achieved.

To understand the effects of the spectral width, measurement time duration and the distance between measurement and prediction sites on the maximum prediction time, the following diagram is helpful (Figure 1):

Figure 1 – Space time diagram used in the fixed point method of sea wave prediction.

Consider a train of unidirectional waves travelling in the x-direction. The wave frequencies in this train range over a finite interval fl to fh. For the linear waves considered here, the wave velocity is related to wave frequency according to Equation 3. 

The instantaneous wave height is recorded at a fixed point x = 0 over a time interval T and the paths of propagation of the lowest and highest frequency waves can be represented in a space-time diagram by the lines labelled fl and fh, both starting at the origin, and similarly for the point T. The slopes of these lines are actually the phase velocities c = dx/dt. The only waves that are present inside the triangular region OTA are those that have passed the location x = 0 during the time interval 0 £ t £ T. It follows that the history of the waves along OT completely determine the wave propagation in this region.

If the measurement site, located at x = 0, is separated by a distance Xpm from the prediction site then the maximum possible prediction time is TPmax, is as shown on the diagram. In this particular case, the distance Xpm is the optimal distance between the measurement point and prediction point for measurement time window T.

From the diagram, it can be seen that the maximum possible prediction time TPmax is determined by the assumed limits of the sea spectrum, fl and fh (which taken in conjunction with the sea depth determine the range of wave velocities), the distance between the prediction and measurement site Xpm and the measurement time window used, T.

3. Sea model representing the sea surface

For the purposes of investigation it is convenient to represent the sea spectrum by a mathematical expression. The sea spectrum model used in the present simulations has essentially the same characteristics as the Nonweiler[ix] spectrum previously used by the authors. This spectrum does not form a harmonic series, but belongs to the more general class of Almost Periodic Functions[x]. However, in the present work a much finer frequency resolution using forty components is used to span the range of interest, rather than the five components used in the Nonweiler9 model. The following function was used to describe the component amplitudes, ai:

                                              Equation 1

In Equation 1, fi is the component frequency, scale is a scale factor equal to 400 and B is used to vary the bandwidth of the function. The scale factor of 400 present in the model spectrum envelope is simply a numerical convenience and has no special physical significance. B = 1 is used when a wide bandwidth sea is desired and B = 1.3 is used when a narrow bandwidth sea is required. This envelope is typical of a moderate swell sea6,7,[xi]. The actual discrete non-uniformly distributed frequency values used were obtained by first selecting forty equally spaced values in the range, fl to fh, then randomly perturbing each one by up to ((fh – fl)/40) Hz. Unless otherwise specified the actual range used was 0.05 to 0.2 Hz.  

Typical examples of the frequency components of a narrow and wide bandwidth model generated using the above method are shown below in Equation 2. 

The model sea surface itself is generated using the standard propagating linear wave description given in Equation 2                        

                                               Equation 2 

In Equation 2 the symbol z denotes the sea elevation, x is the position, ki is the  wavenumber and fi are the phases, chosen randomly from a uniform distribution in the interval 0 to 2p

Figure 2 - Frequency components of typical narrow and wide bandwidth seas (40 components in range fl =0.05 -> fh=0.2 Hz)

Phase and Group Velocity: The sea surface description used here is a travelling wave packet composed of  a set of Fourier components determined at one location which are then individually phase shifted according to the requirements of the dispersion relationship. This is the only manner in which the detailed shape of the wave can be computed at a new location. Hence the propagation of  wave energy is not of  explicit interest and so the phase velocity of individual sinusoids that is of concern here not the group velocity.

4. Determination of maximum prediction time from a sea spectrum

The prediction techniques employed here1,2,3 are based upon using sea surface measurements obtained at some distance from the prediction site to estimate the coefficients in a dispersive wave-packet model of the sea. This is essentially a spectral technique using the DFT to determine the model coefficients. As the simulations are almost periodic functions there is no natural periodic time to choose as a fundamental measurement interval that will serve as the basic period for the Fourier Series employed in building the sea-model. Consequently, unless corrective action is taken, there will typically be strong windowing effects with each spectral line in the prediction model (or in practice the actual sea measurements) being substantially smeared by the window spectrum. This effect can be dramatically reduced if the simulated (or measured) sea surface waveforms are searched to find a new starting location whose value and slope best match those of the most current data2,3. This method makes the data sets used to determine the Fourier Series components in the prediction model as nearly periodic as possible (thus minimising windowing effects), while at the same time allowing the use of the realistic non-periodic sea description to generate an ensemble of simulations. 

In practice, this end matching is performed by first generating a data set of some length, T seconds, substantially longer than is expected to be required and then searching the oldest half of this waveform from its start to find the best value and slope match to the most recent data values. The start of the data set is then moved up to the best match point resulting in a truncated waveform. The search region is restricted to the first half of the data set in order to ensure an adequately long data record.

The truncated waveform is of varying length, and so the number of data samples present is very unlikely to be equal to a power of two, consequently a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) cannot be employed directly to generate the required spectra. The options are: to end pad the data with zeros; to interpolate and resample the data using the optimal band limited Sinc[xii] based interpolation polynomial or to use the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) directly. In this case the DFT is employed.

For a fixed measurement to prediction site distance, the prediction time available is set by the velocities of the components at the high and low frequency extremes of the sea spectrum. Thus, the wider the bandwidth of the data used to build the prediction model, the shorter the possible prediction time. As will be seen subsequently, the spectrum can be significantly truncated thus increasing the possible prediction time without introducing large errors.

Consequently, where possible, the simulated (or measured) sea surface spectra should be truncated prior to constructing the space time diagram (Figure 1). Clearly, it is possible to continue to truncate the sea spectrum to the point where operationally significant components are being affected. This raises the important question of the tradeoff between prediction time and prediction error, which will be discussed later in the article.

Truncation is implemented by rejecting a percentage of the power spectrum symmetrically at both its lower and upper ends although it can be argued that there are some advantages in only removing the high frequencies. The total spectral power rejection in the first set of results reported was chosen to be 10% or less (5 % or less at each end of the spectrum). The wavenumbers of the frequency components at the cut off points were computed using the finite depth dispersion relationship (Equation 3).

                                                                  Equation 3

where h is the sea depth, g is the local gravitational constant, k is the wavenumber and w = 2pf is the angular frequency. The geometry of the space time diagram (Figure 1) is then used to determine the maximum prediction time possible.

5. Variation of maximum prediction time and optimal distance with sea depth and measurement time window

Figure 3 illustrates the effects on maximum prediction time of increasing sea depth. This is shown for measurement time windows of 32 s, 64 s and 128 s. The effects on optimal distance of increasing sea depth are shown in Figure 4. Points plotted in Figure 3 and Figure 4 are the results of an average of 100 random sea waveforms produced using the model sea spectrum shown in Figure 2. The standard deviations of the populations for each point are also shown.

It is apparent from Figure 3 that maximum prediction time diminishes with increasing sea depth which is in accord with the general trend toward an increase in wave velocity for all frequency components leading to steeper line slopes on the space time diagram.

Figure 3 also illustrates as expected2,3, that the maximum prediction time and the distance at which this occurs increase proportionately with the measurement time window. Specifically, the maximum prediction time for deep water where phase velocity varies inversely with frequency is given by:

 Tmax =  T  fl / fh               (4)

i.e., independent of water depth. However in shallower waters where the general form of equation 3 must be used the results become depth dependent. The form of 3 suggests the expected trend is for prediction time to decrease with increasing depth asymptotically toward the deep water behaviour and this is born out in the simulations. The converse is expected for the optimum distance and again this is observed to be the case.

Figure 3 – The variation of maximum prediction time with increasing sea depth for measurement time windows of 32 s, 64 s and 128 s. The standard deviations of each point are also shown (population size = 100).

Figure 4 - The variation of optimal distance with increasing sea depth for measurement time windows of 32 s, 64 s and 128 s. The standard deviations of each point are also shown (population size = 100).

6. Variation of maximum prediction time with set spectral power rejection and measurement time window

The effects on maximum prediction time and optimal distance of varying the set spectral power rejection percentage for measurement time windows of 32s, 64 s and 128 s and sea depths of 20 m and 500 m are illustrated in Figure 5 and Figure 6. The points plotted in Figure 5 and Figure 6 are the results of an average of 100 random sea waveforms produced from the sea model spectrum shown in Figure 2. The standard deviations of the populations for each point are also shown. The sensitivity of  the deep water prediction times estimates to the sea bandwidth is evident in equation 4 for the case of maximum prediction time and are equally evident from figure 1 for  more general  conditions as well. The gains achieved by truncating the spectra used for prediction estimates are evident in figure 5 together with the associated changes in the distance required for optimal prediction time. Clearly such truncation corresponds to rejecting input data and hence the horizontal axis in figure 5 is related  to the level of  error introduced by truncation. An important feature of the results is that after an initial rapid rise the incremental error introduced becomes modest and is to be expected because the ratio fl/fh Ž 1.

 An additional important factor is the effect of  the bandwidth upon the computational time required by the prediction algorithms. This issue is examined subsequently in Section 8.

Figure 5 - Variation of maximum prediction time with set spectral power rejection, measurement time window and sea depth for a narrow bandwidth sea. Standard deviations are shown for each point. 

Figure 6 - - Variation of optimal distance with set spectral power rejection, measurement time window and sea depth for a narrow bandwidth sea. Standard deviations are shown for each point.

As expected from the space time diagram, prediction times increase with spectral truncation, and consequently with prediction error. This reflects the fact that the difference in velocity between the limiting components reduces and the lines forming the prediction triangle (Figure 1) become increasingly parallel.

7. Variation of prediction time with the distance between measurement and prediction site and measurement time window

Figure 7 shows the relationship between prediction time and separation between measurement and prediction sites for shallow and deep water. The main difference between the results for shallow and deep water is the more moderate fall off of prediction time with distance in the shallow water case. This reflects the fact that in the limit as kh ® 0 the phase velocity is constant and the sides of prediction triangle (Figure 1) become more parallel. For deep water the lines representing fl and fh in Figure 1 become more steep, thereby reducing the maximum prediction time possible.

 Figure 7 – Illustration of the variation of prediction time with the distance between measurement and prediction site for shallow and deep water (using the 40 component wide bandwidth sea model with sea depth = 20 m and sea depth = 500 m).

8. Practical Applications

In the application of DSWP to a marine problem, the most likely specifications will involve the minimum useful prediction time and/or the fraction of the time which predictions can be made for. In designing a DSWP system to meet such specifications there will be essentially three classes of parameter. Firstly there are factors such as the depth of water and the current sea state which are outside the operator’s control. Secondly there will be basic system parameters that will mainly be set at the design stage, e.g., in the Fixed Point method under discussion here, an example might be the separation of the measurement and prediction points. The remaining parameters such as the measurement time duration, type of end matching used and the degree of spectral truncation are under operator control and may be varied to achieve the specification for the prevailing sea conditions. Examples of possible applications in the offshore oil industry include direct ship to rig personnel transfers and craning of materials to and from supply vessels.

An example system

As an example of the type of issues that must be examined when designing a DSWP system consider the factors affecting a steerable gangway of the type being proposed for personnel transfers between oil rigs and service vessels. Wave prediction is needed for two reasons. Firstly to make a safe initial connection of the gangway to the vessel and secondly to warn of impending dangerous relative motion between ship and rig. Assume for the sake of illustration that 20 seconds would be a minimum acceptable prediction time to be useful. Next the acceptable error tolerance in predicting the vessel motion must be defined. This serves to define the acceptable prediction error. Consequently it sets the limits on the combination of the best possible performance required of the basic DSWP system together with allowances for any de-rating of this precision due to spectral truncation. This may be needed to provide the capability for extension of prediction times, albeit at reduced precision, beyond those achievable with the basic DSWP system under the prevailing conditions. 

In order to address the required specification it is first necessary to consider the worst case sea type that the system will be used for. In practice this is likely to involve a set of simulation studies, however for simplicity it is assumed here that the wide bandwidth version of the 40 component non-uniform spectrum employed previously provides a satisfactory description of these conditions. Clearly as linear analysis is used there is no requirement to specify the actual wave amplitude scale. 

Important compromises may be identified when establishing the optimum distance for the wave sensors (measurement site) from the rig (prediction site). If this distance is too short, then the maximum possible prediction time is limited. If the distance is too long then prediction errors due to second order non-linear processes8, and errors in the knowledge of the wave direction and sea spectrum become significant. Wind induced waves generated between the measurement and prediction sites are unlikely to be significant over the typical distances used. To obtain the best performance from the system, therefore, the aim is to place the wave measuring sensors as close to the rig as possible, compatible with meeting the required prediction time specification under the given or expected conditions. Figure 7 provides data for two cases, 20 m and 500 m depth, where the sensor distances are 250m and 1300m respectively. It is useful to recall that the maximum prediction time for a given distance corresponds to the propagation time from the measurement to the prediction site of the slowest wave component considered. In the present case the slowest wave velocities are 11.7 ms-1 for 20 m depth and 14.6 ms-1 for 500 m depth giving corresponding measurement times of 23.0 s and 90.0 s. However this does not allow for the end matching processes needed to minimise the departure from periodicity in the data. If the present approach is used, whereby up to 50% of the data record may be rejected, the measurement times must be twice the above values.

Since wave data would almost certainly be logged continuously the measurements would be implemented on a moving window basis. The shortest time between predictions would be set by the computational demands of model building as outlined in the following section.

Computational effects upon prediction time.

In addition to the analytical factors affecting the choice of measurement times it must be recognised that there are significant computational overheads. The net prediction time available is the balance left after all computational costs have been deducted from the theoretical prediction time as described so far.  This mainly arises because of the need to wait until all the data is collected before performing the end matching process. 

There are a variety of options available for carrying out the spectral estimates required for prediction determinations. To some extent these depend upon whether a Fast Fourier Transform algorithm,(FFT), or a direct evaluation of the inner product, (DFT), is employed. As will be demonstrated the choice of approach does not simply depend upon the lower execution time for the FFT. The various possibilities will be discussed below and as might be anticipated a compromise has to be made between precision and the net prediction time $T_{net}$ available after computational overheads.  

When using a DFT the maximum possible value of $T_{net}$ tends for a large number of data points, $N$, to the value:

T_{net,DFT} = {1\over{t_{mlt}}}{f_{min}\over{(2f_{max})^2}}\eqno(4)

where $f_{min}$ and $f_{max}$ are respectively the minimum and maximum frequencies used and $y_{mlt}$ is the execution time for floating point multiplication.

The equivalent result for an FFT algorithm is:

T_{net,FFT} = {2\>t_{mlt}\>log_e2\over{2^{log_e2}}}\>
2^{   \Bigl\lbrace{f_{min}\over{ (2f_{max})^2  \>t_{mlt} }} \Bigr\rbrace  }\eqno(5)

hence speed up ratio of FFT to DFT si given by:

{T_{net,FFT}\over{T_{net,DFT}}} = {2\>log_e2\over{2^{log_e2} }}\>\>\>{2^\beta \over{\beta^2}}


\beta \qquad = \qquad {f_{min}\over{(2  \>f_{max})^2\>t_{mlt}}}\eqno(7)


For the typical values quoted previously $\beta \gg 1$ and so as expected the gains in using an FFT over a DFT appear to be very large. However there are additional computational costs associated with the requirement of the FFT to have $2^M$ points, with $M$ an integer. To achieve this the original $N$ point data set requires re-sampling using some form of interpolation algorithm to produce $2^M$ new values where both $M$ and the new sample interval $\delta t_2$ must be chosen to satisfy:

2^M\> \delta t_2 \qquad = \qquad T

where as previously $T$ is the duration of the end matched data set. Clearly the new sampling rate ${1\over{\delta t_2}}$ must also satisfy the sampling requirement. The additional computational cost is associated with the interpolation process. Given that the data is band limited to $\>\omega_c\> \geq \>{\pi\over{f_{max}}}\>$ it is possible to use the reconstruction polynomial associated with Nyquist’s Sampling Theorem that in principle allows an exact reconstruction of band limited data. The resulting new sample set, $f_R[k]$ is then given by: 

f_R[k] \qquad = \qquad \sum^\infty_{\ell=-\infty} f\Bigl(\ell \>{T\over{N}}\Bigr)
{ sin\Bigl\{\omega_c(k{T\over{2^M}} - \pi\ell)\Bigr\} \over{\omega_c(k{T\over{2^M}} - \pi\ell)}}\eqno(9)

where the $f\Bigl(\ell \>{T\over{N}}\Bigr)$ are the original data set. Clearly the actual data set is finite thus equation (9) is a finite sum over $N$, not infinte sum. Furthermore even a full finite evaluation would require $N^2$ multiplications which is the same order as the DFT and would thus completely remove any advantage in using the FFT algorithm. Consequently the summation must be truncated, thus compromising accuracy to some extent. This leaves only a modest number of points, designated $2R$, local to $k$ which actually contribute to $f_R[k]$ and equation (9) becomes:

f_R[k] \qquad = \qquad \sum^{k + R}_{\ell= k - R} f\Bigl(\ell \>{T\over{N}}\Bigr)
{ sin\Bigl\{\omega_c(k{T\over{2^M}} - \pi\ell)\Bigr\} \over{\omega_c(k{T\over{2^M}} - \pi\ell)}}\eqno(10)

Even the truncated interpolation function requires an execution time of $2\>R\>2^M \delta (t_{mlt}+t_{sinc})$ where $t_{sinc}$ is the evalution time for the $sinc$ function which can easily exceed the demands of the FFT itself and also introduces additional approximation. This is the reason for the earlier statement that the choice between the use of an FFT or a DFT is not so clear cut as the simple spectral computation time ratio in equation (6) might suggest.

An alternative approach is to dispense with the end matching process and accept the consequent level of error$^{2a}$. This makes it possible to adopt a predefined fixed number of sample points and allows the DFT inner product sums for each harmonic to be evaluated cumulatively as the data values arrive. Given the typical sampling times and the fact that the measurement interval must always exceed the prediction time then to all practical purposes DFT based spectral calculations can be completed by the end of the measurement interval. Thus there is no detraction from the prediction time. This cannot be achieved with the FFT as all the data points are needed at the outset.

Practical Conclusion Concerning Computational Costs

The above discussion explains the statement made at the beginning of this section, i.e., that there are a substantial number different ways of handling the affect of computational load on total prediction time. Hardly surprisingly these involve a range

of choices between prediction time and precision. Whichever option or combination of

options is adopted depends very much upon the applications goal. If the most important thing is to have some predictive estimates available at all times even if they have modest precision, then a sensible route is to use a fixed number of samples and employ the cumulative DFT based evaluation scheme. If higher accuracy is needed but prediction estimates are acceptable for less of the time then a combination of end matching and an FFT using a moderate length interpolation function is a reasonable choice. If the extra procession cost is tolerable a better overal approach would be to run both methodologies in parallel. 

It is important to stress that it is essential to also monitor the more traditional power spectral information as this determines the average properties of the sea which are required in order to make initial bound estimates of key parameters such as the upper and lower frequencies to be used and hence to likely range of measurement times required. Such data can obviously be derived by accumulating the basic wave data.

The more realistic multi-directional situation also involves decomposing a sea into a set of  R dominant one dimensional long crested swells then making spectral estimates associated  with the R independent data sets required. The directions of these swells together with their associated magnitudes and phases, which are all needed for prediction, are then determined by solving a system of R spectral equations. As R is typically modest, typically 3 to 6 depending upon conditions the main additional cost is thus the R fold increase in the time for making spectral estimates.  


The authors would like to thank DERA Bedford for helping support this work and to Dr.K.Wadee for helpful suggestions on certain numerical analysis issues.

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