List of Publications of Roy Davies
Journal Articles and Books
- Lasers in chemistry. Education in Chemistry, 9(3), 1972, 92-94.
- Danish academic libraries. Journal of Librarianship, 8(4), 1976,
- Danske og engelske forskningsbiblioteker. Bogens Verden, 59(3), 1977,
91-98. (Article in Danish comparing Danish and British research libraries).
- We, too, must become "gatekeepers" - of information. Library Association
Record, 83(7), 1981, 337-339.
- Documents, information or knowledge? Choices for librarians. Journal of
librarianship, 15(1), 1983, 47-65.
- Towards an expert system for cataloguing: some experiments based on AACR2 by
Roy Davies and Brian James. Program, 18(4), 1984, 283-297.
- Q-analysis: a methodology for librarianship and information science. Journal
of Documentation 41(4), 1985, 221-246.
- The computer: a tool, machine, or partner? MARC Users' Group Newsletter
86(1), 1986, 36-45.
- Intelligent information systems: progress and prospects edited by Roy
Davies. Chichester: Ellis Horwood, 1986.
- Expert systems and cataloguing: new wine in old bottles? In: Gibb, Forbes
(editor), Expert systems in libraries. London: Taylor Graham, 1986,
- Outlines of the emerging paradigm in cataloguing. Information Processing and
Management 23(2), 1987, 89-98.
- Non-price competition and the structure of the online information industry:
Q-analysis of medical databases and hosts. Journal of Documentation 43(3),
1987, 236-260.
- Sistemi informativi intelligenti: risultati e prospettive. Padua: Franco
Muzzio, 1988. (Italian translation of Intelligent information systems).
- The creation of new knowledge by information retrieval and classification.
Journal of Documentation 45(4), 1989, 273-301.
- Creating new knowledge by retrieving information. Journal of
Documentation 46(4), 1990, 368-372.
- The chemical metaphor in information retrieval: reactions between bibliographic
units of information. In: Informatics 11: The Structuring of Information,
York, 1991. London: Aslib, 1992, 79- 93.
- Expert systems and cataloguing. In: Morris, Anne (editor). Application of
expert systems in libraries and information centres. London: Bowker-Saur, 1992,
- Expert systems in reference work by Roy Davies, Alastair Smith and Anne Morris.
In: Morris, Anne (editor). Application of expert systems in libraries and
information centres. London: Bowker- Saur, 1992, 91-132.
- Money doesn't
matter. Wired 1(1), 1995, 61. (premiere UK edition)
- Keeping the threads together: use of the World-Wide Web at the University of
Exeter Library by Martin Myhill, Roy Davies, David Salter and Ian Tilsed.
Vine (99), June 1995, 15-18.
- Mathematics, statistics, operational research and the Internet. The New
Review of Information Networking 1, 1996, 155-170.
- A Comparative Chronology of Money by Glyn Davies and Roy Davies. Journal of
Management History 4(3), 1998, 160-231.
- Explore the Inca Trail by Jacquetta Megarry and Roy Davies. Dunblane:
Rucksack Readers, 2002. ISBN 1-898481-12-1. (See also my website on Hiking the Inca Trail to Machu
- Explore the Inca Trail, 2nd ed
by Jacquetta Megarry and Roy Davies. Dunblane: Rucksack Readers, 2006. ISBN-10: 1-898481-25-3. ISBN-13: 978-1-898481-25-6.
- Obituary of Glyn Davies, Royal Economic
Society Newsletter, no 121, April 2003, p. 16.
Book Reviews
- How to find chemical information: a guide for practicing chemists, teachers,
and students by R.E. Maizell. Chichester: Wiley, 1979. Education in
chemistry 17(3), 1980, 90.
- How machines think: a general introduction to artificial intelligence
illustrated in Prolog by N. Ford. Chichester: Wiley, 1987. International Journal
of Information Management 8(1), 1988, 63-64.
- Developing an expert system for classification of books using micro-based
expert system shells by C.A.Y. Sharif. London: British Library R&D Department,
1988. Journal of Documentation 44(4), 1988, 402-405.
- The role of information scientists in the development of expert systems by M.
O'Neill and A. Morris. London: British Library R&D Department, 1989. Journal
of Documentation 45(3), 1989, 263-265.
- Expert systems in libraries edited by R. Aluri and D.E. Riggs. Norwood: Ablex,
Libraries and expert systems: proceedings of a conference held at Charles Sturt
University, Riverina, Australia, edited by C. McDonald and J. Weckert. London:
Taylor Graham, 1991. Journal of Documentation 48(2), 1992, 242-244.
- Expert systems and artificial intelligence: an information manager's guide by
N. Ford. London: Library Association, 1991
New horizons in information retrieval by D. Ellis. London: Library Association,
London: Library Association, 1990 Artificial Intelligence Review, 7 (1)
1993: 72-73.
- Using the new AACR2: an expert systems approach to choice of access points by
D. Smith, D. Evans, A. Poulter and M. Shaw. London: Library Association, 1993.
Program, 28 (3) 1994: 317-318.
- Technical services management 1965-1970, edited by Linda C. Smith and Ruth C.
Carter. New York: Haworth Press, 1996. Journal of Documentation, 52 (3)
1996: 373-376.
- In close association by Bernhard Fabian and John J. Boll. Urbana-Champaign,
Il.: GSLIS, 1998. Journal of Documentation 55 (3) 1999: 338-340.
- Visualizing subject access for 21st century information resources, edited by
Pauline Atherton Cochrane and Eric H. Johnson. Urbana-Champaign, Il.: GSLIS, 1998.
Online & CD-ROM Review 23 (5) 1999: 308-309.
- Information landscapes for a learning society: networking and the future of
libraries 3, edited by Sally Criddle, Lorcan Dempsey and Richard Heseltine. London:
Library Association Publishing, 1999. Online Information Review 24 (1) 2000:
- Library Trends, 48(1), Summer 1999. Knowledge discovery in bibliographic
databases, edited by Jian Quin and M. Jay Norton. Journal of Documentation
56 (5) 2000: 584-587.
- Organizing audiovisual and electronic resources for access: a cataloging guide
by Ingrid Hsieh-Yee. Englewood, Colorado: Libraries Unlimited, 2000. Journal of
Documentation 57 (4) 2001: 568-569.
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Last updated 29 August 2006.