Various types of money are illustrated on the cover of the book by
Glyn Davies, including cowries, manillas, tally
sticks, whales' teeth, coins, banknotes and credit cards.
The book is available from various sources in
addition to the usual bookshop channels.
2nd Edition
Davies, Glyn. A History of money from ancient times to the present
day, new ed.
Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2002.
ISBN 0-7083-1773-1 (hardback), 0-7083-1717-0 (paperback).
Original Edition
Davies, Glyn. A History of money from ancient times to the present
day. rev. ed. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 1996. 716 pages. ISBN 0
7083 1351 5 (paperback).
- The forms of money shown on the cover of the 3rd editions are:
- credit card
- tally stick (a simple accounting device that was also used in
England as a form of money from medieval times almost up to the Victorian
- Athenian Owl (Ancient Greek coin)
- five million mark German banknote (a symbol of
- another tally stick
- cowrie shell (one of the most widely used forms of primitive
- two pound coin (commemorating three hundred years of the Bank
of England)
- 500 euro note
- The forms of money shown on the cover of the 1st and 2nd
editions are:
cowrie shell
manilla (an ornamental type of money that was worn as jewelry in
west Africa)
tally sticks
whale's tooth (used as money in Fiji)
Athenian Owl
tribute penny
credit card
two pound coin (commemorating) three hundred years of the Bank
of England
five million mark German banknote